Position your Instruments
“A fantastic‑sounding, competitively priced
Captured acoustics
The acoustics of the Teldex recording stage – approximately the same size as Abbey Road Studio One – have been captured by recording special test signals with the studio’s main microphones. Meticulous post-pro editing has resulted in a very consistent and accurate collection of True-Stereo impulse responses.
If you are already familiar with previous impulse responses from Samplicity, you know they are rated among the very best, with impressive signal-to-noise ratios and excellent stereo imaging.

State-of-the-art convolution reverb
Berlin Studio is powered by Samplicity’s proprietary Moving Waves Technology — a highly efficient, multi-threaded, zero-latency application of the latest advances in convolution processing. Berlin Studio runs three True-Stereo MWT engines in parallel.
With its flexible handling of source positions, microphone delay corrections, early reflections and reverb tails, Berlin Studio allows you to seamlessly mix and match virtual instruments from different vendors in a unique and unified acoustic environment.
Berlin Studio is the best reverb plug-in for making your instruments sound like they were recorded in a world-class studio hall.
Two editions
Berlin Studio
For working with stereo projects, this is the recommended edition. The Source and three Microphone channels are mixed to stereo inside the plug-in.
Berlin Studio Professional
If you need separate outputs from the plug-in for mixing in surround layouts, this is the recommended edition.